Habeeba Naseer from Abraham Moss High School Shares her Experiences of Education in England and Pakistan

This beautiful poem, Lab Pe Aati, written by Allama Iqbal, reminds me of children in my own country of Pakistan, who dream about an education that will help them to forge a better future, but are unable to afford the cost of going to school. Here in the United Kingdom, where I live now, we are so fortunate to have access to qualified teachers and fantastic resources, yet this is something that many young people take for granted.

This great poem inspires me to help friends and others who struggle with learning by offering them support and reminding them that they should respect the value of an education that some children can only wish for. We should also respect our teachers, parents and elders who pass on their wisdom by teaching us everything they have learnt about life and guide us on the right path
Having a good education means you will have a great life and, therefore, the time you spend studying is rewarded. Half the credit goes to parents and teachers because they help and encourage us, but most of the credit goes to you for your commitment and effort. Doing your homework is the equivalent of a year of additional learning.

Schools in Pakistan read this poem in the morning, just before they start their assemblies. It is not just a poem, it also has a powerful message as well. It tells us that we have lost the spirit of ‘…Ho mera kaam qahe-reebon ki himayat karna’ and we need to become a nation again!

I believe in the saying; ‘knowledge is power’. This poem gives me hope that the youth of Pakistan will one day put an end to its troubles. May we continue to teach others and improve their lives as well as our own!

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